Thursday 13 March 2014

3 Secrets About Money That You Are Struggling With Right Now

By Alex Blouck

Did you know that your attitude toward money affects many different aspects of your life. How you feel about money and wealth affects not only the amount of money a person tends to accumulate but also how happy they are in life. Changing the way you look at income, investing and wealth can literally change your life as well as make you a happier person, in general.

Now, your parents and society didn't set up to leave you with this legacy of mediocrity. It is simply an unfortunate fact that while we all wish to be wealthy, society teaches us in some different ways that being rich is bad. We are taught that rich people are bad and that wanting to be wealthy isn't something desirable. It is not your fault though and these teachings can be unlearned. You can overcome these obstacles and unlock the door to happiness and riches.

Do you have this thought inside your head that you must have money in order to make a lot of money? You have probably heard this before. This is a defeated attitude and this thought is one that will make you quit before you have even begun if you're not careful. You might say that it is true and you justify this thought by pointing out great men who are able to afford to invest large sums of money in any project that they desire. If they lose their investment it is still only a small portion of their estate. They have the ability to absorb these losses so they are able to take chances that you might not be able to take.

Portions of this idea might be true but have you ever thought that these men and women that who are able to make these large investments didn't begin with a huge bankroll. Most of these well respected investors began with nothing and also lost their fortunes several times in their life. Most of them had to rebuild their wealth and start all over from the same place where you might be right now or even worse. What makes them so special and you so ordinary? They believe in themselves and knew that true wealth is about.

You might also be under the assumption that in order for you to have money, another person has to give up money. This called zero sum. Like in a game, in order for you to win someone else must lose. Someone else must become poor in order for you to become wealthy. Now, you probably have a pretty big heart. You care about people. You would feel terrible if you knew that another human being had to give up something or become just a little bit poorer because you wanted to be rich. This thought makes you feel terrible and you might resist the desire to become wealthy because of it.

Honestly, true wealth comes not from taking but from giving. Riches and money come from helping others and solving the world's problems. Out there is a problem that needs to be solved and if you can make someones life easier, they will be willing to part with large sums of money quite gladly. If you can make someones life less painful or difficult they will be happy to exchange money so they don't have to continue living with this pain. An example might be a calculator or a computer. A dishwasher and garbage disposal are a couple of other ideas that made life easier for housewives. When you help people you aren't taking anything away from them. You are adding value to their life and they will be grateful to you.

Of course, the most powerful piece of advice that society has given us when it comes to wealth is that it is the root of evil. You may have been taught this in church or from your parents. You might even be able to substantiate this by pointing out evil men who are willing to lie and cheat in order to obtain wealth. The news is filled with such stories. Normal men driven by desperate times or greed to do unspeakable acts against humanity all to line their pockets. You might even think that without money there would be no evil in the world. You worry that you will become like these people. You might even lose your closest friends and family because of jealousy or because you change due to your new found wealth.

While it might be true that there are people who are filled with greed, this doesn't mean that you have to become one of them. The majority of the world's richest people are able to do great things for humanity thanks to their riches. In addition, there is nothing saying that you are going to become overwhelmed with evil just because you become wealth. In fact, you might find that you are more kind and considerate of others. You are able to care for your family and friends in the manner that you have dreamed of. You are able to donate to charities that you believe in. Overall, this change very well might be for the better and not worse. It is greed and loving money more than people that will bring about evil in men's hearts.

Your thoughts about money and your fears about how it might change your life are just a few aspects of investing and wealth building that all of us struggle with. Being able to wrestle these misguided thoughts into submission and replace them with more positive thoughts can change how wealth comes to you in your life. Often our subconscious holds us back and keeps us from becoming wealthy. We are done before we have even begun all thanks to our own mind. Conquer your mind and you can conquer the world. You have grand thoughts and big things that you wish to do in this life and the world is willing to pay you handsomely for helping.

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